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creation of Japan and the Univers and Amaterasu

In the creation of the Universe and Japan, heaven and earth were one mass, like and egg. The first god was a reed-shoot shape that floated in the void, and then other gods followed. The two youngest gods were Izanagi and Izanami no Mikoto. The two stood on a rainbow and wondered if there was land below, so they pierced below with a jewel spear and the material that came up and floated on top of the water became an island. The gods moved there, built a palace and married. The two walked separate ways to explore the island. When reunited, Izanami spoke first of what she had found. Later Izanami gave birth to a leech child who they put out to see to let the winds determine its destiny. The two went to heaven to question why she had a baby that was unusual. The two gods learned that because she spoke first it was improper and bad luck so they were to try again and let Izanagi speak first. Next time, Izanagi spoke first and the couple had 8 children, each an island that joined and...

Posted by: Jessica Linton

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