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Cosmetic testing on animals

When most people go to the store to purchase cosmetics and household cleaners they usually don’t put too much thought into it. Most people do not realize that 14 million animals die and suffer each year for these products that are almost meaningless to humans. Cosmetic animal testing is a very big problem that gets greatly overlooked. It is a problem that has lasted for centuries.
According to the All for Animals Newsletter, animal testing on cosmetics goes way back to the seventeenth century when animals were believed to feel no pain. After it was proven that they could feel pain the testing stopped for a while. However, it began again in 1933 when a woman died from mascara. After that incident the Food and Drug Administration passed an act for animal testing on cosmetics.(Issue 1) However, that act is no longer in effect, but companies continue to test on animals.
There are several different types of tests used on animals each day. The two most common ones are the Draize Test a...

Posted by: Melissa T. Littlefield

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