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Condorcet versus Polybius

The rapid rise and development of modern science has a great impact in today’s contemporary society. Just during the last fifty years, for example, the pace of the development of technology and computer sciences has fundamentally shaped the lifestyle of billions of people all over the world. Doubtless, today we are more sophisticated than ever before. The mankind has invented every kind of machine one can ever imagine. Furthermore, this sky-high rise of modern sciences is augmenting day by day with a greater and greater velocity.
By reading the opposing articles of The Marquis Condorcet (1743 -1794) - the outstanding mathematician, one of the first economic statisticians, and the political leader of the Girondins during the French Revolution, The Progress of Humankind, and that of Polybius - the Greek historian who wrote a forty volume history of Rome, only five of which are extant, we get more insight about the effect of the rise and development of science to our social life.

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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