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Communacable diseases

Communicable Diseases

Disease 1: Hepatitis C

Question 1

1. What are the symptoms?
Symptoms for short term Hepatitis C may include mild cold symptoms, and fatigue. Long-term symptoms include: anorexia, nausea and jaundice.

2. How long does it last?
50% of people who are HCV positive overcome it in a few months. 10% to 15% may develop chronic liver disease over 10 – 20 years.

3. How is it treated?
There is no cure for Hepatitis C but there are ways to alleviate the symptoms. They include: The drug Interferon. It is injected three times a week. Basic healthy lifestyle habits are beneficial too. (Avoid alcohol, have a well balanced diet and rest when tired) Some people also use herbal medicine, Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

4. How is it spread?
The most common known method of Hepatitis C infections is by sharing dirty needles. Any contact with contaminated blood is a way to receive Hepatitis C (Unsterilised body piercing, Kidney dialysis etc.)

5. How can you ...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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