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CLUELESS - Cher's Progress

“Clueless” – Cher’s progress

· “Cher’s progressive awareness to see beyond the glitz and glamour to see a world a little more widely.”

Primarily Cher is portrayed as the beautiful, rich, popular Jewish princess. In the scene inside her house, she announces that she is a “way normal girl”, with a computerised system for her outfits, a rotating wardrobe, and her room the size of an apartment. Cher then picks up her best friend Dione, and they drive to school in a Jeep, she does not stop at a stop sign or worry about other road rules. She lives in her own protected and privileged world and dismisses the real world and its rules as unimportant. Viewer’s immediately establishes that Cher’s concerns are of superficial and consumer values and she cares little about the “big” issues.

Heckling employs voice-over (VO) to portray the juxtaposition between Cher’s thoughts and the visuals. This is shown at the party where Chers says: “love i...

Posted by: Kelly G Hess

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