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Step’s to the scientific method
1. Observing- observing is the use of the senses to obtain information. Observation often involves making measurements and collecting data. The data may be descriptive or numerical in nature.
2. Formulating Hypotheses- The hypothesis serves as a basis for making predictions and for carrying out further experiments. Hypotheses are often drafted as “if-then” statements. The “then” part of the hypothesis is a prediction that is the basis for testing by experiment.
3. Testing Hypotheses- Testing hypotheses requires experimentation that provides data to support of refute a hypothesis or theory. If testing reveals that the predications were not correct, the generalizations on which the predictions were based must be discarded or modified. One of the most difficult, yet most important aspects of science is rejecting a hypothesis that is not supported by data.
4. Theorizing- when the data from experiments show that the predictions of the hypothes...

Posted by: Melissa T. Littlefield

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