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Charles Whitman: The Mad Man in The Tower

The Mad Man in the Tower
In the United States Constitution, the second amendment gives citizens the right to bare arms. This right was granted to help protect us from both foreign and domestic enemies and to be used as a weapon of last resort. For centuries that right was abused, but no one had ever abused that right as Charles Whitman did. Whitman used that privilege as a right to cause destruction and inflict pain in an attempt to solve problems of his own demise. On August 1st, 1966, Whitman opened fire upon innocent bystanders, 307 feet about ground level from a tower located on the University of Texas campus. For an unimpeded 96 minutes, Whitman fired upon everyone that he set his sight on, injuring 31 people and ultimately resulting in the death of 17 others.
As a child, Whitman received harsh discipline from his father, C.A Whitman. Usually belts, paddles and fist were used to be sure this family complied with his rules and met his expectations. C.A Whitman was a wife bea...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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