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Censorship on Harry Potter

The Harry Potter phenomenon has taken the world by storm. The magical and mystery aspects of the serious has left many spell bounded but others outraged. The five book series has caused a protest among many Christian schools and religious organizations. The idea of making wizardry and witchcraft appealing to a young audience and promoting witchcraft as normal has sparked conflict between religious organizations and Scholastic, which publishes books for school markets.

The five book series will not reach the library shelves of the Marantha Christian College in Doveton because of the school policy on fantasy.
“The Potter books portray witchcraft as normal,” says the principal. “It’s a problem because as Christians we would say witchcraft and that kind of thing is not good, and yet Rowling portrays is as being good.” (Christian school bans Potter books(July 2 2003))

But Scholastic said that it’s Harry Potter series teaches children about right and wrong, “We’re pro...

Posted by: Chad Boger

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