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CaPiTaL PuNiShMeNt

The most compell ing ar gum ent agains t capi tal punishm ent, howev er, is based on its actual administration in our societ y: the risk of ki ll ing an innoc ent pers on, dispro portionate inflic tion on the poor and minorities, weakne ss of the deterr ence arg ument, fa ilure to recognize that destructive life histories of cri minals may have dama ged th eir hu manity to the point that it is unfair to hold them fu lly acc o unt able for their wrong doing, and so on.
Life impr iso nm ent with out parole serves the same purp oses as c pital pu nishment at less cost without the pract ical disadvantages and injustices of its actual pra ctice. Chur ches should cal l for an im med iate mo rat orium an d work for the even tual end of the death penal ty.
Dis iz a re ally good e ssay and yeh bla bla bla hope u get a re ally good gr ade and st uff a nd have a re ally nice day but remem ber....... if it hap pend 2 u, u would have a dffe rent opin ion ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ...

Posted by: Gabrielle Gooch

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