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In the book, Candide, by Voltaire, there are several themes and ideas present. The main idea dealt with the main character and his love for a woman. The story followed Candide (the main character), as he went throughout life only longing to be with his beloved Cunegonde. The other themes deal with issues of that time. The author threw in every type of injury and misfortune to poor Candide as a way of subtly criticizing the traditions of that time period.
The book starts off with Candide living with a rich baron and his family. Candide was fortunate enough to be schooled by a philosopher called Dr. Pangloss. Pangloss taught him that they lived in the best of worlds and no matter what happened, in the end it was only for the best. Pangloss also believed that there was no cause without an effect. And since everything was made with a purpose, it must be made for the best purpose. Candide whole-heartedly believed him and in everything, and always maintained th...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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