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Can we know something which has not been proven true?

Can we know something which has not been proven true?

To find an answer to this question, one must understand the question by explaining the certain ‘key’ terms in it. ‘Know’ and ‘truth’ are the two words what need to be defined in this case. After doing so you can slowly take apart the question to find it’s answer.
In the dictionary to ‘know’ is defined as ‘to perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty’ , ‘to regard as true beyond doubt’ , or ‘to perceive as familiar; recognize’ . But what is ‘to know’. When do we know something and at what stage one can really use this word. Many questions again rise. I think you can say ‘I know’, when you really know someone or something. For example if you ‘know’ a person’s name. We can prove that we ‘know’ it. So we ‘know’. We have ‘knowledge’ about something. ‘Knowledge’ is something we have from the beginning we are alive. When one learns the first steps wa...

Posted by: Arianna Escobar

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