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Camp Green Lake

What do you think a jail for kids is like? Well in my story you’ll find out.
The main characters are Stanley Yelnats and Alan, who is Zero in this story. Stanley gets in trouble for stealing shoes that belonged to a famous basketball player. Stanley says the shoes fell from the sky and hit him on the head, but know body believes him and he is sent to Camp Green Lake. While he is at the camp he decides to investigate the unsolved mystery. I liked the characters in this story, because they are witty and funny.

When he went to trial he was found guilty for stealing and was sent to a prison called Camp Green Lake. Stanley thought it was a nice place from the name, but it wasn’t. The story takes place on a sandy place with no water for long drive, it barely ever rains there. It is very warm throughout the day, from sunrise until sunset. They only get to take five minute showers and they have to dig holes five fee...

Posted by: Margaret Rowden

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