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Bush vs Kant

PHL 212
Current Events

The ongoing war with Iraq has put a huge dent financially, physically, and emotionally on the people of the United States. President George Bush’s intentions are to put an end to terrorism and introduce democracy to the Middle East. Bush signed a bill for 87.5 billion dollars supporting the so-called, “Operation Iraqi Freedom” which will aid in the rebuilding of Iraq and parts of Afghanistan. It is, however, quite obvious that the soldiers out there are not living in decent conditions. The people of the United States are investing a good percentage of hard-earned tax dollars to reconstruct a nation for quite possibly the wrong reasons, without even being provided proper living arrangements. Bush’s true purpose of reconstruction is unclear at times. Is our country there with the hopes of making a better environment for these people or is this country just power and oil hungry?
The Undersecretary of Defense (comptroller) Chief Financi...

Posted by: Jessica Linton

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