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Brett Farve

Brett Farve
Where would football be without quarterbacks like Brett Farve? Brett Farve has led a great career with several highlights and has revolutionized the way quarterbacks play in the present day National Football League. Coach Mike Holmgreen, Green Bay Packers head coach, stated, “Brett is the key to our offense (Goodman 28).” Although Farve has set many records including earning a Superbowl ring, he still has several years left in his National Football Career.
Brett Farve was born in Gulfport, Mississippi on October 10, 1969 (Gutman 6). Irvin Farve, Brett’s father, was a high school football coach at Brett’s future high school, Hancock North Central High School. Brett was one of Bonita and Irvin Farve’s four children (Gutman 7). Bonita Farve was a special ED at one of the Hancock North Central High School (Gutman 7). Brett was the middle of his other two brothers, Scott and Jeff. He also had a younger sister named Brandi (Gutman). The three boys w...

Posted by: John Mayes

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