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Breast Feeding

Breastfeeding, a truly wonderful experiences for some and for others a pain on the nipple.
Some may choose the formula, for numerous reasons. For example, sore or cracked nipples, difficulty establishing a milk supply, infections that may sometimes occur into the milk ducts… But these problems are temporary and can be easily remedied. One can argue the problems and the benefits of formula feeding, but what we cannot question is the true intentions of nature on behalf of the mother’s milk to a newborn child. There is no line of questioning to believe that formula feeding is superior or even equal to the sweet nutritious milk produced by a mother’s body for her baby. Why bother for the many hassles that are to be done for formula feeding, when a breast provides the best nutritional food for a baby. Not to mention, the expense of purchasing those formulas when a mother’s milk is free! Breastfeeding is convenient and easy. Once you uphold the basic knowledge of understanding brea...

Posted by: Rebecca Wyant

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