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boys dont cry

There are many issues people are faced with trying to socialized with their culture. From the time we are children we are taught gender roles; to be a certain way, act a certain way and socialize a certain way. Socialization begins the day a child is born, both explicitly and implicitly. If we do not follow these values and norms that society has strapped upon us we are seen as outcasts. Mores are placed upon society, these are limitations and enforced norms that people are expected to follow. We are taught to achieve the highest status possible while following the social framework that has been placed upon us.

The option that I choose for this paper project was film analysis. I watched the movie Boys Don’t Cry. This movie in summary was about a young girl who was having a sexual identity crisis. She was born a female but inside wanted to be a male. She dresses, acted, talked, and changed her name all to appear as a man. This movie was a lot like the movie Ma Vie En Rose we ...

Posted by: Rheannon Androckitis

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