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Boys Dont Cry

Film Review: BOY’S DON’T CRY

“Boy’s Don’t Cry” focuses on the complicated story of Teena Brandon, a young girl whose sustained efforts to suppress her gender and decided she wanted to be a man. She cut her hair short, taped her breasts back, put a sock down the front of her pants, and switched her name around to Brandon Teena. She hides her female identity and seeks the excitement of a new love and of male bonding with new friends. She made a social transformation into a boy but punished by the intolerance of those who refuse to see beyond her body. The film touches upon the issues that concern the difference between being a lesbian and being a woman who feels she is a man. The film is successful in emphasizing the other characters ignorance, driven hatred and use of violence as a manifestation of their sense of “manhood”.
Brandon ironically, is just the kind of man every girl wants, sweet and sensitive. He was hugely successful with women who seemed to ...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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