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Bo Jackson, more than a sport's star

Bo Jackson

Bo Jackson was born in a small town just outside Birmingham, Alabama called Bessemer. His father left his family and moved to the other side of the city when Vincent “Bo” Jackson was just a baby. He never did much to help Bo’s mom of the rest of their very large family. He would come around very little and did hardly anything to support Bo’s mom. Bo Jackson was one of ten children. His family lived in a two room house and they only had two beds for all ten of the children. Some of the children would sleep on the floor, which was dirt, and the others would sleep two to a bed. Their mother slept in the kitchen in her bed. Bo Jackson would always sleep next to the furnace because their house did not have any heat besides the furnace. Bo would actually wake up with scars and burns because he had touched the scalding iron of the furnace during the night while he was sleeping. Their house did not even have running water, so they obviously had an out house. When the...

Posted by: Jack Drewes

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