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Blue Man Group Performance

The children and adults are both very excited about this big day, graduation. The children in the story are students that are graduating from both grammar school and the high school. The black students attend Lafayette Country Training School in Arkansas, which was nothing compared to the white schools in the same area. “Unlike the white high school, Lafayette Country Training School distinguished itself by having neither lawn, nor hedges, nor tennis court, nor climbing ivy.” Marguerite Johnson was 12 years old, and graduating with honors. “My work alone had awarded me a top place and I was going to be one of the first called in the graduating ceremonies.” Henry Reed was the class valedictorian, and Marguerite remembers how she vied with him for the best grades in the class. Marguerite and her mother had been working on her beautiful butter-yellow pique dress that she would be wearing on her glorious day. A couple weeks before graduation they had tons of things planned for this...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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