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Bling Bling

From the moment we stepped foot on this planet, material possessions have been a huge part of the common man’s life. Whether it be jewelry or automobiles we just cant seem to get enough of these shiny flashy things. However, in order to get these things one must be financially able to. These days social economic status is constantly being determined by these things. Out of all the many material possessions none seems to be more talked about then the car you drive.
As I drink my morning coffee I look out the window at the flood of SUV’s storming there way down the street. While some are common others stand out with chrome rims and new styles. I can’t help but to think back to when I was a child, I remember our old station wagon. Grey with paint chipping across the roof, it started once ever three tries. It may have been ugly but hey, it got us were we needed to go. A lot has changed since then. Now day’s cars seem to be a form of self expression. You can tell how m...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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