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Black Holes – Do They Exist?

Black holes are postulated to be one of the most destructive forces known in the universe, with nothing being able to escape from its gaping maw, not even light. Even, supposedly, all known laws of physics fall apart inside the depths of the black hole. So how does the universe allow these objects to exist? Or rather do they exist or are they just a product of humanity’s misunderstanding?
Fundamentally black holes are a product of gravity, the weakest of the four known forces in the universe. It was with Isaac Newton in which the first seeds of knowledge concerning black holes began to grow. With his laws of universal gravitation, Newton proposed that this gravitational force acts on everything, even light. As Novikov (1990) says “It is with the understanding of the fact that light is also subject to gravitational force that the early history of black holes began”.
The first tentative step into theorising the existence of black holes was taken by the British nat...

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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