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Abstract Are we to let concern for the ¡¥rights¡¦ of pests cost human lives? The answer is a simple one¡Xno. Animal research, although often the subject of debate is a positive thing. Without it, where would the world be? Tests certainly cannot be done on humans, for what human will risk his or her life if there is a more convenient and sensible option. Yes the animals endure pain and, at times, lose their lives but new advances are being made in that field as well. Studies are always being done to ensure the maximum safety and comfort for these subjects. Animal Testing¡XGood for Mankind or Violation of Rights? Introduction Animal testing¡Xis it inapplicable? Many researchers shout yes; results received from small animals and rodents do not apply to humans. If this is so, then why have so many advances been made since the dawning of animal testing? Dozens of vaccines have been found not to mention antibiotics. ¡§Indeed, we cannot think of an area of medical research that does ...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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