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Beowulf : Man of All Men

Beowulf : Man of All Men
There are many ways to learn about past civilizations and the customs in which people practiced. Some ways include historical texts, films, people, artifacts, and literature. Through literature, the lives and cultures of societies are reflected. Anglo-Saxon society greatly influenced literary works, both oral and written, of their time. A prime example of such a portrait is the well-known epic poem, “Beowulf”. This literary piece had originally been transmitted through oral tradition. Through the epic, many aspects of Anglo-Saxon life are reflected. Three examples in particular are, the love of war and battle, heroic morality, and views of Paganism and Christianity.
Anglo- Saxon society was driven by war and bloodshed. A large part of the epic is devoted to the dangers and brevity of life. After Beowulf battles Grendel, he tacks the bloody arm of Grendel in Herot Hall, a local gathering place. The arm may be equated to a trophy, representing Beo...

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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