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Australian Aboriginal Genocide


Before researching Aboriginal Genocide in Australia I had dismissed the idea as an accusation. Genocide, to me consisted of the deliberate killing of an entire race or group; I had therefore assumed that this did not occur in Aboriginal Australian history, as many Aboriginal people still exist today. I now understand how naïve this was. Genocide is much more complex than just group murder
and after further looking into the idea, I have found personal justification of a form of cultural genocide in our Australian history.

Now, some might ask, what constitutes genocide? Genocide is committed if any one of the following is inflicted on a group:
Firstly> the killing of group members- Aboriginal people were killed on numerous occasions by European’s and evidence of these many incidents is too concrete-even for Keith Windshcuttle. One example of these killings being the infamous Myall Creek massacre.
2ndly> the causing of serious bodily or mental harm to ...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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