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Archetypes in The Stone Angel

It is rare to find a novel or play that does not allude to religion, mythology, or other texts. This is because it is these allusions that help the reader better understand the characters and plot according to another reference which may be more familiar to them. Hagar Currie’s character and life greatly parallels Hagar from the book of Genesis- she is the archetype of the Biblical Hagar.

The most direct link between the texts is Hagar herself. Hagar, in the Bible, is concubine of Abraham and mother of Ishmael. Hagar is the handmaid of Abraham's wife, Sarah, who, because she was barren, gives Hagar to her husband in the hope of producing heirs. But when Hagar conceives a child, Sarah becomes jealous and angry with Hagar. To escape Sarah's persecution, Hagar is forced to flee into the desert. She returns to give birth to Abraham’s son, Ishmael, after being reassured by an angel. Sarah also bears Abraham a child, Isaac. After Isaac's birth, Sarah persuades Abraham to send Ishmael...

Posted by: John Mayes

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