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Archetype/hero's journey

Archetype/Hero’s Journey

Part One

1. What does “The Force” mean? Why in Star Wars is The Force referred to as having a “Dark Side”? What does it mean to Beowulf and Hrothgar’s Court?

The Force is the life energy of the universe and encompasses all things. Each individual person or thing has the power to use The Force to triumph over problems and obstacles. The Jedi Knights use The Force to fight for good against the Empire. For example, Obi-Wan Ken obi used The Force (mind control) to sneak pass the Imperial Guard. The Force is considered to have a “Dark Side” because The Force can be used for evil. It is up to each individual to decide if The Force will be used for the “Good” or “Dark Side”. For example, Darth Vader uses the force to fight for evil. Ultimately, The Force is about decisions and using the power within to overcome complex situations.

Beowulf and Star Wars have many parallels. Beowulf is an epic hero, and like Luke...

Posted by: Darren McCutchen

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