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Anti-Abortion: The Fight for Life
Since the Darwinian Revolution of the 19th century, our society has turned upside down. Everything under the sun has become questionable, the origin of life, how we came to be, and where are we headed. But one of the greatest impacts of this new age thinking is its effect on our Old World values. Western societies values, morals and ethics have become debatable, with some people striving for change and others clinging for stability. Battle lines have been drawn and the Liberals and Conservatives were ready to duke it out on a number of issues. One of these debates centers on a woman’s right to have an abortion.
According to the Webster’s dictionary an abortion is defined as a miscarriage, something misshapen or unnatural. It further defines an abortion as a procedure in which an embryo or fetus is prohibited from developing by artificial means, which one could argue that this is next to murder. The question is how can we as a society sanct...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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