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Ann Petreyfs gDobyfs Gon,h

Creating an imaginary friend.

Until the last sentence of Ann Petreyfs gDobyfs Gone,h I am not sure what the real reason is for Sue to create Doby. In the beginning of the story, the author tells us gbecause Sue had no one else to play withh (436), but having no one to play with just does not seem enough for me. A couple of questions come into my mind; does she have a good relationship with her parents? Is having an imaginary playmate normal for children of Suefs age, or are we meant to think that Sue might be seriously disturbed mentally?
On the first day of school Sue does not seem to be happy about her mom going there with Doby and her. However, on the way to school Sue seemes to have a nice conversation with her mom. Later, gshe decided that it was good that her mother came. It was better that way. The street would have looked awfully long and awfully big if she and Doby had been by themselvesh (437). Still the author points out how good the relationship there ...

Posted by: Veronica Gardner

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