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Animal Testing


Today as I trot through the forests of my homelands, I feel free knowing that my life is free from torture. For me, there will be no new products tested on my body or any body of any organism. My life is safe now from all manufacturers and scientists. My life is no longer open for testing. Although this may be true for my generation and me in the year 2050, it unfortunately was not for my ancestors.
Long ago, I was walking through the forests of my homelands. It was a cold morning; so I wasn’t really worried about many predators, just something to eat. As I foraged, I began to sense something. My left ear turned 40 degrees to try and catch a sound to help me find out where and what it was I was hearing. Was it a predator or just a rabbit foraging like myself?
I wasn’t sure, so I forgot about food for a little while and started to fear for my life. Little did I know that my life wasn’t going to end with a quick bullet through the heart li...

Posted by: Sean Wilson

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