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Angelas Ashes

Angelas Ashes

English The quote “all happy families are alike: each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” is a true statement for most families. Most happy families have lots of love and are often wealthy and generally don’t have very big problems. The makings for an unhappy family can stem from numerous different problems and situations. In the novel Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt there are many reasons why his family is unhappy. The biggest reason why the McCourt family is unhappy is because they are extremely poor. They rarely have any food, clothes or even blankets to keep them warm at night. This alone can cause lots of anxiety and stress in a household. Another big problem of the family is that the father is an alcoholic who rarely can keep a job. Even when his father does keep a job he often spends his weeks wages on booze. This causes lots of tension in the family because it is hard to love a father who is never there for his kids or his wife. I think the McCou...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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