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Analysis of Chinese Broadcast & Production Market

Analysis of Chinese Broadcast & Production Market
1. Internal PRC Background
Broadcast & Production
The Chinese State-owned TV sector is facing unprecedented challenges as it grapples with the concept of "competition". Technological advances are threatening its monopoly over delivery of media content.
Despite this, the State TV sector is still protected today, and does not perceive the need to enact radical management reforms or to co-ordinate investment in new economy ventures (a view not shared by some sectors of the government - see below, Section 2). Profitable TV stations are, however, some of the last bastions of the "gold rice bowl" mentality, in offering secure jobs to relevant personnel. This position is, however, soon set to change.
While TV stations currently control 100% of the broadcast industry and over 90% of the production industry, they are inherently incapable of retaining their non-broadcast assets in the long term or successfully releasing them into the ma...

Posted by: John Mayes

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