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An essay on the Bruce Mau’s “Incomplete Manifesto for Growth”

An essay on the Bruce Mau’s “Incomplete Manifesto for Growth”

While the Incomplete Manifesto has some interesting points, I believe everyone needs to complete themselves as they relate to the world at large. Relationships change every day, and hour with every person you come into contact and changes again as the circumstances of contact change. How often do we experience change with our spouses, parents, children not to mention our co-workers and business associates. Beter we should each work to develop our own manifesto for each life rather than one manifest for every life.

"The brain is wider than the sky,
For put them side by side,
The one the other will include,
With ease, and you beside..."

"I dwell in possibility,
A fairer house than Prose,
More numerous of windows,
Superior of Doors...",

"The sou...

Posted by: Andres Cisneros

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