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Aid for Poverty

Today, several different countries around the world suffer from poverty. Suffering from the lack of food, shelter, and medical care, many of them are nearing death more and more each day. These countries are in desperate need of some type of aid. The richer nations, such as the United States, Britain, and Australia, are currently pursing ways to rescue these unfortunate countries from their despair (Singer, 357). We, citizens of our country, can also help in giving aid. The big question upon minds is, “How much should we give?” There are different views upon giving to other countries. There are the people who believe everyone should give as much as they possibly can, until they have no more than anyone else (Singer, 361). In opposition to that, there are also the people who believe they should give something, but not so much as to where they cause themselves to fall into th...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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