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The Emotion Behind Abortion

In the past few years, a new question concerning abortion has surfaced.
It is the the question of whether or not abortion and severe psychological
disorders are linked. This question has added to the controversial debate over
abortion issues. Prior research has been “motivated by theory or political
ideology” (Cohen, 140). Many studies have been biased due to the
pre-conceived notions and values of the researchers. Proponents and
opponents of abortion have presented different arguments, backed by research,
about whether or not mental health problems develop due to the decision to
terminate a pregnancy. Most studies have concluded that chosen abortion is not
found to be associated with psychological disorders, but there are a few that
have found abortion to contribute to severe depression, severe guilt, suicidal
thoughts, extreme anxiety, intense rage, and passivity. This constellation of
symptoms has been called “post-ab...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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