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A Schizophrenic Prespective in Films (The Wall)

A Schizophrenic Perspective in Films
-The Wall-

The DSM IV characterizes symptoms of schizophrenia as two or more of the following with a presence of a one month period:

1. delusions
2. hallucinations
3. disorganized speech
4. a grossly disorganized catatonic behavior
5. negative symptoms (ie. Affectiveness, flattening, alogia, or avolition)

Specifically looking at the paranoid type diagnosis for schizophrenia these characteristics must be met:

1. The preoccupation with one or more hallucinations of auditory means and more than one delusion
2. None of the following is prominent; disorganized speech or catatonic behavior, or a flat inappropriate affect

When coming to this part of the assignment I took the definition in the DSM IV and the diagnosis for the paranoid type schizophren...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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