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A Glance into the Family Album

A Glance into the family album

In the year 2003, Hannibal Gorman, a C.I.A. top-
ranking official, descended from his Jeep carefully.

It felt firm. In the distance,
he saw a gleam of light, reflecting
from the white marble walls of the
ruins he was going to investigate. He
took out his binoculars and studied
the image of the ruins through the
viewfinder. They were only a few
hundred meters away.

He then proceeded to disentangle the tight cords that bound his quad bike to the trailer. Once that was finished, he gathered all of his equipment together and set off in the direction of the ruins.

He stopped about ten meters from the first old column. He went over to it, pulled out a small electrical drill from inside his left jacket pocket, inserted into the marble and took a small sample. He did the same with four other sculptures and then made to go back to his jeep.

“Well,” he said aloud, more to hear
his own voice rather than...

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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