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"Where is the Voice Coming From?”

State of Emergency
Societies today have many fears, but none bigger than change. Many of the short stories that we have read have dealt with towns in fear of change. In “Where is the Voice Coming From?” Medgar Evers was assassinated because he was trying to change society in favor of the black community. In the movie Witness the Amish community has a tough time trying to adapt to John Book’s lifestyle. Change is a natural occurrence and until we can accept change we will never grow as a society.
In “Where is the Voice Coming From?” the society is in a uproar over the speeches of a up-and-coming civil rights leader, Medgar Evers. This Mississippi town likes the way that their community is being run and do not want Medgar Evers or any other civil rights leaders to change the society. Byron De La Beckwith is a member of this small Mississippi community, and feels it is his duty to take care of the problem to ensure that there will be no change. Byron De La Beckwith ...

Posted by: Rebecca Wyant

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