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"The Miracle Worker"

The story, "The Miracle Worker" is a very nice and

interesting story. The story is about a handicapped

girl, by the name of Helen Keller, which is blind, deaf,

and mute. No one including her mother, father, and

brother, are able to communicate with her. Helen's

parents, Katie and Captain Keller can not control her

temper tantrums, nor can they ever say no to her.

Helen is very spoiled and does and gets exactly what

she wants. Katie and Captain Keller do not know what

to do with her, until they come up with the idea of a

teacher for Helen. The teacher that was selected to

teach Helen was blind at one point of her life, and is a

succesfull graduate in teaching handicapped people.

The name of the teacher is Annie Sulivan, and Helen is


Posted by: Rainey Day

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Thanks for you messagge wil bla bla bla!