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"Students should be encouraged to realize that mental agility and rhetorical skill must be accompanied by sincerity and the true conviction of their own beliefs."

Rhythm of life is quickened, information is packed, and competition is aggravated. Students candidate for higher education degrees, job hunters compete for jobs providing higher salaries, scientists argue with their colleagues for clearing a confusing problems, a business men dispute with their associates or rivals to reach an agreements, politicians polemize about the strategies for foreign countries, and the lawyers bandy refutations for their own clients¡¯ behalves. Today we are in a time of communication in which mental agility and rhetorical skill have never been so accentuated and useful than ever before; in deed they are indispensable abilities for people to survive in modern times.
In schools students are offered with many courses to acquire such capacities. The students in business school and law school are especially well trained in this facet. But I do not like to argue with them about certain issues, not only because when I advert an issue and propose my opinions,...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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