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"Overwhelmingly, and worldwide, human communities and cultures were at that time so engineered as to give immense advantages to men"

"Overwhelmingly, and worldwide, human communities and cultures were at that time so engineered as to give immense advantages to men" (p.25)
Throughout history, in cultures across the globe, women have always been looked upon as seconds in society. Ever since the beginning of time it seems as if the role of a woman has been limited to baring children, cooking, cleaning, and performing all other domestic tasks. There has never been a time or place when women shared complete equivalence with men. Males have invariably been considered more intelligent, mightier, and more competent than women.
During the Middle Ages woman were treated very bitterly. The wife would have to give all her land to her husband after getting married. The woman lost her legal standing and did not have a say in her life anymore. Medieval women were appointed to household jobs while the men held high positions in society such as judges, doctors, and military leaders. Young girls were not allowed...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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