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20th century

The 20th century has been a period that has seen things such as great political and social change, great advancements, and great catastrophe as well. From World War I in 1914, through the beginnings of the nuclear age in the 1940’s, to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the century has been full of major and influential occurrences that have strongly affected our global society as a whole. The century has seen two full-scale global wars, and a series of smaller wars to go along with great changes in governments, ideals, and society, as well as great industrial and societal advancements.
Our world has seen two global scale wars as well as several smaller scale wars to go along with them. In the early 1900’s the world was completely dominated by European countries such as Germany, Austria, Britain, France, and Italy. These countries had great amounts of land throughout the world carved up into colonies. By 1914 Europe was divided into two combinations of great powers originally f...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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